School Messenger Notification System

  • School Messenger logo

    SchoolMessenger is the product Ann Arbor Public Schools uses to contact parents by phone, email and now text message about school closures, events, and news. The new SchoolMessenger InfoCenter lets parents set options, including if they want to allow text messages about school closures and define which phone numbers and email addresses receive different types of calls.

    Click here to sign up online or download the app to control how you receive information from the Ann Arbor Public Schools.

    What’s in SchoolMessenger?

    Once you’ve created your account using the email on file with Ann Arbor Public Schools, we’ll automatically link the records associated with your email address. You can then:

    • View the records associated with your account- student, staff, and or parent records
    • Review the last 30 days worth of messages for all your associated records.
    • View your contact information and configure how you would like to receive notifications.

    Is School Messenger Secure?

    The sign-up process creates a secure link between the user and SchoolMessenger. School Messenger operates with the latest encryption technology to protect access to stored information. SchoolMessenger is also a signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, which requires adherence to 12 stringent data protection standards as a further assurance of their commitment to protecting your data.

    What else do I need to know?

    Device (Push) Notifications will trigger a badge or alert when you receive new communications from your school or AAPS. You can choose to receive Device Notificiations in addition to, or instead of, the phone calls, emails, and text messages you normally receive.