Eberwhite Elementary

Ann Arbor Public Schools

Eberwhite Office 734-994-1934

  • The Eberwhite Office is open daily between 8:15 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. The main contact number is 734-994-1934.

    If you need to report your child’s absence, please email ebe_attendance@aaps.k12.mi.us 

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School Announcements


    Rec & Ed's After Care program promotes children's well-being through enrichment activities, positive relationships, and a safe environment. Our caring staff create a welcoming environment for all.  

    We are excited to announce the opening of our new after care program at Eberwhite! 

    For a full list of Rec & Ed Before/After Care programs, click here.


    All students will be able to eat for free this school year. This includes both breakfast and lunch. The free meal is a full meal. If your child is purchasing an à la carte item such as milk, there will be a charge.

    The breakfast and lunch menus can be found here.

    Information regarding this year’s lunch program can be found within the AAPS Chartwells Information Page.

    ALL families will need to complete an application: Child Nutrition and Education Benefits application

    Please access the Meal Magic Family Portal to add funds for à la carte items ONLY.

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  • Eberwhite Elementary School


    Eberwhite Parents, Friends, and Community-
    At Eberwhite we are committed to developing within each student the joy of lifelong learning through academic preparation, building positive self-esteem, and developing social responsibility. 
    We value diversity and inclusion, and in partnership with our parents and community, strive to ensure that each student is, and feels, valued while developing their leadership skills.
    We hope you find helpful information about our school and staff on this website.  Please reach out to the office if you have any questions that still need to be answered (734-994-1934).



    Tuesday, October 22nd- Friends of the AAPS School Libraries Meeting @ 6:00 Huron High School Library

    Sunday, October 27 through Saturday, November 2- Schuler Books Days Fundraiser- Mention "Eberwhite" in-store or put "Eberwhite" in the PROMO CODE box during online check out (not in the comment box).

    Wednesday, October 30th - Picture Retake

    Thursday, October 31st - Early Release @ 1:00

    Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade 

    Monday, November 4th - Mobile Dentist at Eberwhite (Permission forms will be coming home in backpack mail soon)


    You may view the 2024-2025 AAPS District Calendar here.


    Please utilize the Eberwhite Information Hub to find important information that will help answer frequently asked questions.

District Spotlight


  • The Ann Arbor Public Schools has partnered with PowerSchool Enrollment to allow parents to pre-enroll their students online. Please see our Who Can Apply page for more information.

    Enrollment Process:

    1. Determine which enrollment options are available and best suit your student.
    2. Complete an online pre-enrollment application.
    3. Complete the full enrollment by email invitation, and upload the required enrollment documents.

    Ann Arbor Public Schools is proud to offer multiple enrollment options for our families in order to best serve our community.

    Follow this link to get started.