KTF Literacy Grant Winner
  • Below is a listing of classroom and project grants available for AAPS teachers and staff.

    The AAPS Strategic Partnerships Office receives notification of grants from our Community, Business and Educational partners. Questions? studentscholarships@a2schools.org.
    Grant Announcements will be added here as we receive them

    Kiwanis Community Grant Funds

    The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Foundation Grant Application is open from January 22-March 4
    Typically, awarded grants are $6,000 or less with a preference for those that benefit children.

    Application Deadline is March 4, 2024.
    Information on how to apply for these grants: 2024 Grant Application Instructions.

    Rotary Ann Arbor Grants

    The Ann Arbor Rotary Club annually solicits applications from Washtenaw County not-for-profit organizations whose purpose aligns with the theme “Helping Kids Succeed.” The Rotary provides grants up to $5,000.

    Application deadline is February 29, 2024

    Learn more here.

    KTF Literacy Grant
    The KTF Literacy Grant provides grants for elementary school projects and programs that encourage and promote literacy, support academic retention programs, augment reading materials in elementary school media centers and other projects and programs to help develop literacy in elementary school students, with an emphasis on projects that help striving readers.

    Who can apply for this grant? The grant is open to any AAPS elementary school staff person as well as staff from Westerman Preschool.

    Learn More: KTF Literacy Grant Guidelines, Terms and Conditions.

    Application Deadline: CLOSED

    KTF Literacy Grants are provided through the generosity of the Karen Thomas Fund.  The Fund was established in memory of former Board of Education Trustee Andy Thomas’s wife of 38 years.

    Questions? Contact Jenn Myers: myersj@a2schools.org

    Spencer Steiff Music Student Support Grant
    The purpose of the Spencer Steiff Music Student Support Grant is to remove barriers for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) students and/or students with financial hardship to continue and excel with their musical education at the Ann Arbor Public Schools. We are looking for innovative and bold ideas and projects that offer support and experiences for a student or students that will make a lasting impact on their musical trajectory.

    Who Can Apply for this Grant? Music teachers in Middle and High School music departments at AAPS. Proposals for 5th grade students may also be considered.

    Learn more: Spencer Steiff Music Student Support Grant Guidelines

    Apply for this grant: Spencer Steiff Music Student Support Grant Application

    Application Deadline: CLOSED

    The Spencer Steiff Music Fund is provided by the generosity of the Spencer Steiff Scholarship, named after and honoring the life of Scarlett Middle School student, Spencer Steiff.  AAPS retired Music Teacher, Deb Katz, a contributor to the scholarship, had Spencer as a student in her music class and wanted to provide additional support to music students with their musical development at AAPS.  

    AAPSEF Classroom Grant Program
    The Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS) Education Fund, held under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF), is now accepting applications for classroom programs/projects which address the following topics:
    • Literacy
    • Science & tech
    • The arts
    • Mental health/well-being or
    • Diversity, equity and inclusion. 

    Special consideration will be given to programs/projects that involve collaborating with other classes, schools, or nonprofits.

    The Ann Arbor Public Schools Education Fund will distribute approximately $12,500 total in competitive grants.

    Who can apply for this grant? The application is open from September 27 to November 2 for any AAPS school which (A) has Title 1 status or (B) at least 25% of the student population is eligible for free/reduced price lunch. This includes: Abbot, Allen, Bryant, Carpenter, Dicken, Haisley, Lakewood, Pattengill, Pittsfield Mitchell, Forsythe, Scarlett, Tappan, Huron and Pathways to Success Academic Campus.

    Apply for this Grant: CLOSED.

    Application Deadline: CLOSED
    Questions? Contact Maryellen Ferro: mferro@aaacf.org

    AAPS Field Trip Transportation Grant
    The purpose of AAPS Field Trip Transportation Grant  is to provide funding for transportation for schools who would like to give their students the opportunity to go on enrichment (non-required) field trips, but do not have the funding from their PTOs or from other sources to pay the transportation costs. The Kiwanis Foundation of Ann Arbor provided this grant to Ann Arbor Public Schools. 
    Who can apply for this grant? Principals and PTOs can apply for this grant
    Application Deadline: The last day of school or when funds are depleted.

    WISD Mental Health Mini Grants

    WISD is pleased to once again have funds from the CMH Mental Health Millage to offer to public elementary, middle, and high schools in Washtenaw County in the form of mental health mini grants.

    Please read this mini grant overview carefully. Mental health initiatives funded by a mini grant ideally should be student led, but must include student voice and choice, especially engaging students who typically don’t participate in mental wellness activities, e.g. students of color, new students, shy students, LGBTQ students, etc.

    Some of the changes for the 2023-24 mini grants include:

    • Elementary schools are invited to apply for a mini grant this year of up to $2,000 this year. Middle and high schools can still apply for up to $5,000.
    • Looking for ideas for your school’s mini grant project? Join us for an informal showcase of past mini grant projects on October 4, 2023, from 11:30-12:30 on Zoom. 

    As a reminder:

    • Only one application per building, please.
    • There is a finite amount of funding available and funds will be awarded on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted or January 12, 2024, whichever comes first. Please be sure to submit your application early in order to be considered for funding. 
    • Initiatives must demonstrate opportunities to foster communication about mental health between students and trusted adults in their lives. 
    • Award amounts will be determined by what is needed to execute your plan and will vary from $100-$5,000. Schools should apply for what they need.

    Mini-Grant Application Form

    Best Teacher Grant Program
    The Bosch Eco and STEM Teacher (BEST) Grant Program advances sustainability and STEM education in ways that inspire, excite, and engage. The program supports innovative inquiry-based learning experiences by awarding grants of up to $2,000 to preschool-grade12 educators. BEST grantees have access to professional learning opportunities and a network of driven and like-minded colleagues.

    Who can apply for this grant? Any teacher at Ann Arbor Public Schools

    Learn More and Apply: Best Teacher Grant Program Website

    Application Deadline: CLOSED

    Michigan Arts and Culture Council Grants

    The Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs offers a variety of grants.  You can learn more here.

    The Deadline is currently CLOSED.

    SET SEG Foundation Grants and Scholarship

    The SET SEG Foundation provides a variety of grants. Program focus areas include Education (STEAM and Literacy), Social Responsibility and Mental & Behavioral Health Awareness and Prevention. 

    Click here to learn more and apply.

    Questions? Contact Nancy Shore: shoren@a2schools.org