Teacher Evaluation Advisory Group

  • AAPS Advisory Groups > Teacher Evaluation Advisory

    The Teacher Evaluation Advisory continues to address all implementation issues having to do with teacher and non-certificated professional staff (NCPS) evaluation issues. The Advisory is comprised of representatives from all instructional levels along with the President and Vice President of AAEA. Because we have successfully navigated the ever-changing legislative requirements the Advisory tasks were extended to include negotiating new evaluation rubrics and contract language for NCPS staff.
  • Advisory Members
    Lee Ann Dickinson-Kelley, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Instruction
    Shonta Langford, Executive Director, Human Resources
    Sarah Andrew-Vaughan, District Chair, ELA, Grades 6-12
    Robin Bailey, Coordinator, Fine Arts
    Tamala Bell, Teacher, Thurston Elementary
    Amy Deller-Antieau, District Chair, Science, Grades 6-12
    Andy Frankel, Teacher, Pattengill Elementary
    Karen Haddas, MS Teacher, A2 STEAM
    Marci Harris, District Chair, WL, K-12
    Erica Hatt, Coordinator, Elementary ELA and Social Studies
    Kristal Jaaskelainen, Teacher, Pathways Success to Academic Campus
    Michael Jones, Teacher, Skyline High School
    Fred Klein, AAEA President
    Anne Marie Nicoll-Turner, District Chair, Math, Grades 6-12
    Tahani Othman, Elementary Media Specialist
    Mary Packard, SISS, Speech Pathologist
    Claudia Parfitt, Teacher, A2 Virtual
    James Podojil, Teacher, Mitchell Elementary
    Jen Shaw, Teacher, Tappan Middle School
    Kay Wade, District Chair, Social Studies, Grades 6-12