District Assessment Advisory Group

  • AAPS Advisory Groups > Asessment Advisory
    This is the 5th year of the Assessment Advisory. The Advisory has a balanced base of participants comprised of AAPS staff and community members---most are parents with children attending the Ann Arbor Public Schools.

    The Advisory focused largely on learning about the elements of our current assessment portfolio and how district assessment data is used in the classroom to impact teaching and learning. The Advisory studied a number of "promising practices" and made recommendations to improve upon our public sharing of the assessment calendar to enhance understanding amongst all stakeholders. The Advisory is currently completing a year-end report advising the Superintendent on "promising practices" the Advisory recommends for district support. I recommend that this Advisory continue only if the District is able to move forward with the supports and assessment considerations reflected in the summary report.
  • 2018-19 Members

    Internal AAPS Members
    Lee Ann Dickinson-Kelley, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Instruction
    Sally Brieloff, Teacher, Eberwhite Elementary School
    Julie Donnelly, Teacher, English, Clague Middle School
    Aimee Grant, Teacher, English and Humanities, Huron High School
    Dan Hyliard, 9th Grade Dean, Pioneer High School
    Angelita Jacobs, Childcare Supervisor, Rec & Ed
    Michael Jones, Teacher, Science, Skyline High School
    Kevin Karr, Administrator, District IB Program
    Michelle Landis, Teacher, Math, Slauson Middle School
    Edward Latour, Principal, Lakewood Elementary
    Dawn Linden, Executive Director
    Anne Marie Nicoll Turner, District Math Coordinator for Secondary Level
    Talia Thorson, Teacher, Math, Scarlett Middle School
    Jennifer Wade, Building Literacy Expert, Pittsfield Elementary School

    Rajiv Bapuraj, Parent, Huron High School
    Sonia Chawla, Parent, A2 STEAM
    Robin Fowler, Parent, Bryant Elementary
    Niki Green, Parent, Lawton Elementary
    Beth Grzelak, Parent, Clague Middle School and Huron High School
    Mary Janevic, Parent, Dicken Elementary and Slauson Middle School
    Derrick Miller, Parent, Ann Arbor Open
    Marie Morris, Parent, Tappan
    Christie Morrison Thomas, Parent, Allen Elementary
    Steven Norton, Parent, Pioneer High School
    Amy Pachera, Parent, Skyline High School
    Ildiko Porter-Szucs, Parent, Ann Arbor Open
    Diane Rodriguez-Kiino, Parent, Eberwhite Elementary
    Craig Smith, Parent, Slauson Middle School and Community High School
    Joe Szutz, Parent, Pioneer High School
    Vivian Yin, Parent, Logan Elementary

    Community Members
    Bruce Doughten, Community Member
    Kenya Jackson, Community Member
    Shawna Rushford-Spence, Community Member